Mṛcchakatika (मृच्छकटिकम्) or Matichya Gadyache Prakaran, is a ten-act Sanskrit drama attributed to Śūdraka (Simuka), an ancient playwright who is possibly from the 5th century CE. Of all the Sanskrit dramas, Mṛcchakaṭika remains one of the most widely celebrated and often performed all over the world.
This Marathi Adaptation is atypically romantic, funny, and thrilling. The presentation is extremely Shakespearian in its skillful drawing of characters and in the plot’s direct clarity. Set in the city of Ujjain, so secular and universal is the story that it can be situated in any society and is relevant even today.
Charudatta, a bankrupt married merchant, is enamored with a wealthy courtesan, Vasántasena. The king’s vile brother-in-law, Shakar, also tries hard to win Vasántasena’s love. All this is happening against the backdrop of a revolt by Aryak to dethrone King Paalak. The storyline is interweaved with many characters and sub-plots that make it makes it truly engaging and interesting experience with live songs, dances, music and expressions.
To sum up, this play lays out a veritable banquet of love before us – love in a very broad sense with a whole gamut of its manifold facets from love for life to love for motherland. It makes a point that the awareness and the discovery of the transformative and ennobling power of love is a mark of being truly human.
Come to witness this surreal experience presented by 30+ actors, singers and musicians!