Ashish Patil, popularly known as Lavani King is a well-known performer and choreographer. He has been part of a number of dance reality shows including India's Best Dancer, Super Dancer Chapter 4 and many more. Ashish came to fame with his award winning choreography of "Bai ga" from the film Chandramukhi.
Ashish Patil has been working in the Marathi and Bollywood film industry for over 18 years and has won numerous accolades currently seen as a judge on a dance reality show "Dholkichya Talavar".
Day 1: 25th Nov 2023 - 4pm to 6:30pm
Day 2: 26th Nov 2023 - 1:30pm to 4pm
Workshop registration fee is for both days
Early bird offer: $85 (15th October 2023)
Regular price will be $100 ( post 15th October)